Thursday 17 February 2011

Giggs' UK Tour Cancelled By Police Again?

Giggs' UK Tour has been cancelled due to the advice of the police....again. It came as a shock to all fans when this happen the first time, but the second time running? It's getting ridiculous.

The hate and grudges held towards Giggs from the police are quite evidential. But this isn't a reason enough for Giggs to be permanently negatively stigmatised. Everyone deserves a second chance, and holding continuous grudges doesn't help the situation. Despite the fact that some would not support the content of some of the Peckham Rapper's lyrics, Giggs is still seen as a positive role model to some. Looking at his past as a former-criminal and comparing it to where he is now would be considered an inspiration to many youngsters today. Today the rapper is now seen as a respected Artist in the UK and America, someone who is trying to change his life for the better. When the police keep making such actions, it gives our young generation of today no hope, it gives them the mindset that once you are labelled by the police there is no hope for a better change. Such actions cause more crime and deviance.

Could they have advised the promoters because they feel the safety of fans will be at risk? I doubt so. Is the power of Giggs' lyrics that strong that they can create an atmosphere of crime wherever he goes?

Although advice from Operation Trident to the Promoters of the UK Tour stopped the tour itself, this does not stop Giggs. If anything, it motivates him even more. We will continue to support Giggs no matter how many more times the police feel to interfere with the Rapper's UK Tours.

Giggs anounced the cancellation of his tour last night via Twitter
   Show some support @sn1giggs

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